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spreads throughout fitflop



The world grieves at the untimely death of Princess Diana in a car crash while being chased by paparazzi. It is estimated that more than 1 billion people one fifth of humanity tune in to watch her televised funeral.


The Asian Financial Crisis begins in Thailand and spreads throughout fitflop Asia. The crisis arises out of policies pegging Asian currencies to the dollar, which lead to destablizing currency speculation, as well as the rapid growth of China, which has undermined longstanding patterns of foreign trade. Indonesia, South Korea, and Thailand are hardest hit, with Hong Kong, Malaysia, Laos, and the Philippines suffering significant economic damage as well.


The Algerian Civil War drags on between the Algerian goverment and several Islamic separatist groups, and between the Islamic groups and each other. Several thousand more people die in random, unprovoked massacres of whole villages which are part of attempts to influence the outcome of the 1997 elections.


Corrupt strongman Mobutu Sese Seko is overthrown by Tutsi rebels after 32 years as president/dictator of Zaire (soon renamed the Democratic Republic of the Congo). Rowling, making his first appearance in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.


A hostage crisis develops in Peru when Tpac Amaru Maoist guerillas seize the residence of the Japanese ambassador during a party attended by numerous high level diplomats, and take 71 people hostage. After a 126 day stand off, government commandos storm the compound, rescuing 71 hostages and killing all 14 guerillas. One hostage dies of a heart attack during the fighting.


The Labour Party ends 18 years of Conservative Party rule in the United Kingdom as Tony Blair takes over as Prime Minister from John Major.


The United Kingdom hands over control of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China.


Scotland votes to form its own Parliament, and Wales votes to form a National Assembly.


K. R. Narayanan is sworn in as President of India, becoming the first member of the dalit ("untouchable") caste to hold such high office.


In response to the arrival of Comet Hale Bopp, which they believe to be a disguised alien spaceship coming to take them up into space, 39 members of the San Diego area religious cult Heaven's Gate commit suicide by eating phenobarbitol laced apple sauce, notably while all wearing identical brand new Nike sneakers.


Andrew Cunanan goes on a three month, five murder killing spree across the US, culminating with the Miami slaying of famed fashion designer Gianni Versace before Cunanan finally kills himself to avoid capture.


Scientists in Scotland announce that they have successfully cloned an adult sheep, producing a genetically identical clone named Dolly.


British scientists Moira Bruce and John Collinge conclusively demonstrate that the mysterious Fitflop Freeway Danmark human ailment known Fitflop Electra Strata as variant form Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease is the same disease as Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or "mad cow disease."


The Petronas Towers are completed in Kuala Lumpur, becoming the tallest building in the world until 2003, when they would be surpassed by the Taipei 101 building.

Közzé tette: buyfitflop21 buyfitflop21 2014. March 06., 07:32